What information must be disclosed in a syndication private placement memorandum?
Tilden Moschetti: My name is Tilden Moschetti. I'm a syndication attorney with the Moschetti Law Group. One question that I oftentimes hear is, what must I disclose in a private placement memorandum?
As a syndication attorney, sometimes client asks, What exactly must be disclosed? Well, the answer really is as much as possible. It's always better to disclose, disclose, and then you'll be safer in
the end, rather than wondering if anybody's ever going to find anything out. So if there is anything that you think may cause an investor to change their mind about investing in it be that a conflict
of interest that exists, be that a risk, that's inherent, be it something about the underlying investment, you're way better off, making it very, very clear, crystal clear that that exists and to
disclose it blatantly. So that it's very clear than to try and not disclose. So I like to go through all of the different things that could happen in a transaction in an investment and really make
sure that is there anything else that we can think of that should be disclosed so that we can make sure to disclose it? Because it can just bite you in the end? If you need some help with your
syndication, be it for real estate, you're an entrepreneur, you're raising some capital for your business, or you're putting together that new cryptocurrency hedge fund. Give us a call. My name is
Tilden Moschetti. I am a syndication attorney or visit us online on at www.moschettilaw.com or if you need help just with your private placement memorandums, we've got you covered there to: