The Practical Approach to Achieving Success in Real Estate Syndication
So just how do you go from just
starting out to a very, very
large fund? Or somebody who's a
multiple serial syndicator? How
do we set those goals in order
to achieve what we want to do?
In this blaster in the past,
we're gonna look at a video I
recorded about two or three
years ago, when I was coaching
syndicators, who are really at
the top of their game in their
fields. But we're brand new to
real estate syndication. So I
hope you find this video
helpful, I know you will. It's a
formal process to think about
how you do your goals, so that
ultimately you can be
successful. And take this
wherever you want to go.
And in this video, we are
talking about goals. Oh my god,
did he say goals? Yes, we're
going to talk about goals, goals
are important. I'm sure I don't
need to hammer that in. And so
this is actually going to be a
fairly short topic, because I
want to give you a different
paradigm for thinking about
goals. They all start with facts
of where you are today. You are
here. And this is also your
investment company. So let's
talk about it in that framework.
You've got so many assets under
management, you've got such an
such track record. And it
doesn't matter if this is a
trillion dollars under
management and a track record of
one have no properties at all.
But there are facts. So you have
so many team members. You've
identified a founders investment
theory and a niche. You've got
so and so interested investors.
Do you these are all facts that
you have in setting your goals?
Those are the facts. Now, where
are you want to go? So let's
pick a time horizon. So let's
say I don't know three years
out, doesn't particularly matter
where they go. But I'll show you
why it why it does. So let's say
actually, let's let's do one
year out, I think it'll be a
little bit clearer for this
example. So let's say but where
you want to be is way up here.
And you want you want a certain
AUM AUM stands for assets under
management, you want a certain
track record you want specific
team members
you'll still have your fine
founders investment theory. And
you'll have such and such
investors. And so the distance
between here and here creates
this large chiasm here. You've
got this big pit to get from
here to here. And somehow you
have to get from there to there.
So the first question we ask
ourselves to get to this goal is
who do I have to become? And
none of this is new. None of
what I'm talking about here is
my ideas. It's just ideas I've
picked out that I have I've
found particularly useful and
hopefully you do as well. So how
are you going to get from where
you are in your present facts in
order to the goals? Well, you've
got some some you've got some
ground to cover, don't you? I
mean, you've got to answer the
question of Who do I have to
become, you're gonna have to
become better than you are today
in order to reach those higher
goals. If you keep doing exactly
what you're doing today, there
is no way you're going to get
there. I would posit to you that
there. The way to get there is
actually through this is through
this gap. And we do that by
breaking up the gap into
q1, q2, q3 q4 And now becomes
suddenly much more manageable to
get to q1. You just have to do
the q1 things to get to q2, you
just have to do q2 things. That
leap is much shorter. Now, yes,
the time period is much less.
But once you've identified Okay,
well, that's where I want to go.
Now, what has to be true for me
to be here? Yeah, well, what are
the facts that need to be true?
What's the Aum? What's the track
record, et cetera. And you don't
pay it, you don't worry about
q2, and you don't worry about q3
And you don't worry about q4
until you get to q1. Because
that's your, that's your next
stage. That's what you're
working on. That's your entire
focus. And so you take this q1
goal, and then you simply
come up with your smart goals.
And you've probably heard of
SMART goals before. So they need
to be specific. They need to be
measurable. They need to be
achievable. They need to be
relevant. And they need to be
timely. Timely is already
covered. It's got to be done in
q1 specific we'll get to
achievable is Yes, it definitely
needs to be something that you
can do. It needs to be a
stretch, but it can't be
impossible. Same thing with your
year out. If you're starting
with no assets under management
and a track record of zero
properties, it's definitely a an
achievable goal, to have two
syndications done and funded and
up and running and happy. But
it's not achievable to do assets
under management of $10
trillion, or $10 billion, or
even $100 million is going to be
a little bit tight for for the
first time invest for the first
time cindicator within a year's
time. So it needs to be
something achievable, like it
should be something beyond your
wildest dreams. But it should be
really achievable. It shouldn't,
it should make you kind of freak
out a little bit, but it
shouldn't make you go well. No
way that's just completely
impossible. So it does need to
be achievable. So make it
achievable. And then what is
that q1 And what is it what is
achievable? There? I mean, maybe
it's finding your starting your
first indication. So I would say
your q1 would probably look like
form company.
q2, I mean, sorry. Still in q1.
q1, you're building your grow
list. And I'm in this is just an
example for a smaller, newer
syndicator. Grow list. To say 50
names of people you've talked to
q1 Identify fishermen. We've
talked before about fishermen or
if we haven't seen it yet.
Fishermen are people who will
help bring you deals and Wales.
Wales are being big investors.
And q1 will also be you've
identified one good property All
right, is that achievable? Heck,
yeah. It's achievable. There's
no reason you shouldn't be able
to do that in a quarter. Can you
form your company that takes a
few hours? Can you grow your
list of 50 names? Absolutely.
You can grow into 50 names and
have conversations with 50
investors. I mean, over a course
of a quarter, you've got 90
days. You definitely can talk to
more than more than even one
person a day. So you definitely
can grow that. Can you identify
fishermen? Absolutely. Can you
find one good property?
Absolutely. If you just do the
work and talk to brokers and
look for deals every day, you're
absolutely will find a good
Would property to invest in. So
then at the end of q1, then
you'd be setting out q2. Now
what's a good idea of what q2
would look like? It would be put
together for syndication.
How long is an escrow normally?
Well, funnily enough, they go up
to, most of them are 60 to 90
days. Can that all be done in a
quarter, you bet it can. So put
together first syndication has a
perfect q2 goal. q3 might be
grow more, add another find
another property, all the
meanwhile you're growing your
list growing other investors. So
all of these things can get you
from where you are today into
where you want to go. So it may
not be that you know the path to
get here. But as long as you can
see the path to get here, that's
what's critical. So you should
be excited. This is how you get
there. So you're breaking down
what's impossible into multiple,
achievable things. And so each
step along the way, step one,
step two, step three, step four,
you know, in their various
quarters, it's just going up,
and they're just, they're just
different goals that go up and
up the ladder. I know you found
this video helpful in thinking
about how do you go from where
you're at today, to where you
want to go? How do you make
those smart goals? How do you do
all the work so that you
ultimately can go from basically
where you're at now, to having
the business of your dreams,
whether that's in a real estate
syndication, or real estate
fund, being a serial syndicator,
whatever that is. Now, if I can
help be a part of your journey,
I'm happy to do that. I would
love to help you on your path.
My name is Tilden Moschetti. I
am a syndication attorney with
the Moschetti Syndication Law
Group. Part of our practice is
the legal documents. What do you
think of a syndication attorney
does putting together the the
private placement, memorandum,
the operating agreement all of
those things that are necessary
to be compliant, and while we do
an excellent job, and we're top
of our field for doing that,
what sets us apart truly is that
background that I have in
coaching, that background that I
have and taking the expertise
from having done many, many
deals for myself, and
translating it into actionable
steps with my clients, to help
them go from where they're at
today to go, where they want to
go, whether you're just starting
out, or whether you're looking
to ultimately put a wreath
together, we can help you along
that process. All you have to do
is simply get on the phone, get
a meeting, and let's have a
conversation about what it is
that ultimately you want to do
and where you want to go. And
then we can talk about how we'll
get started with your very first
project or that your 50th
project wherever it is that
you're at, so that we can plot
out that trajectory. Make sure
that that happens. And we go
from there. It all starts with
an engagement for a single
project or for a fund or
something like that. So if
you're ready for that, feel free
to give us a call set up a time
to be with me, and we'll go
through that