Securities vs Joint Ventures: Know the Critical Differences or Risk the Consequences
Tilden Moschetti: is the project
that you're working on right
now? A syndication are a fun
meaning it's a security, or is
it a joint venture, we're going
to look at the differences
between the two and help you
decide which category you're in.
My name is Tilden Moschetti. I'm
a syndication attorney with the
Moschetti syndication Law Group,
your project that you're working
on right now or that you're
thinking about working on right
now, it's important to decide if
it is a security, or if it's a
joint venture, it's a fork in
the road, and whichever one it
is, is going to dictate some of
the rules on which way you go
forward. So let's talk about
what a security is. First, a
security is most well defined in
a very important Supreme Court
case, that it's the case of us,
versus Howey. Or I'm sorry, sec
vs Howey. In that case, what was
decided was a security is
whenever there is a offering, or
that is basically a collection
of money, with the purpose of
making more money, and relying
on the services of a third
person in order to make that
money. So that's what a security
is. So for example, if you were
to put together a real estate
syndication, where you are
getting investors into it, and
asking investors to come in, and
your investors are taking a
passive role. So you're doing
the work of putting the deal
together and doing the asset
management, and your investors
are just giving you money, and
maybe voting on a few minor
things. But you are the main
decision maker, that is a
security because they're relying
on you, in order to make the
money in the project. A good
example of a project that
wouldn't be a security might be
something like a charity. So
people coming together for a
common purpose to build a
building, perhaps. But the
purpose is not to make money,
it's to do it for a church or to
do it for a boys club, or
whatever it is, that may not be
a security, it might be because
it wouldn't be for the purposes
of making money. In this
context, when we're comparing
and contrasting with a with a
joint venture, the difference
here would be if it's a
security, it would be back
coming together for a third
party. Now, if you and Team A
and Team B, we're coming
together in order to pool funds,
and build a building perhaps.
But you all are like integrated
integrally related. So you're
doing all the finance work,
you're making sure that the deal
comes together, you're making
sure that the rents get paid all
those sorts of things. And Team
A, they're doing all of the
marketing work and talking to
investors and doing those sorts
of things. And TMC is doing the
actual construction, and it's
doing this and it's doing that
that's coming together. But
you're not none of you is
relying on the services purely
of a third person, none of us
pass up, you're all very active.
In that situation. It's a joint
venture. Now, the difference
here is important because if
it's a security, then you
follows under security's rules.
If it's a security, it must
either be registered with the
SEC, or fall under one of the
exemptions, most importantly,
Regulation D, which is what my
firm practices law with. If it's
a joint venture, it is not a
security, but you will need to
do a joint venture agreement.
Now most of the time, those
joint venture agreements will
take place outside of the
securities context. For example,
my firm doesn't work on joint
venture agreements. We can talk
with you about a joint venture
if it's in relationship to an
actual security offering as
well. But if it's just you guys
working together and working as
a as a team collectively, to
make this venture go forward and
make money from that. It's not
part of securities, it probably
falls under local laws as well.
So you have to you would be well
advised to speak with a local
attorney to make sure that it's
drafted in such a way that it's
protecting all of your interests
and negotiated appropriately. So
that's the difference. If it's a
security we're talking essay See
registration or exemption, such
as Regulation D, if it's a joint
venture, it's probably falls
under local law is not a
security, but you'll want a good
joint venture agreement so
everybody knows what their roles
and responsibilities are. I hope
that helps. My name is Tilden
Moschetti. I'm a syndication
attorney with the Moschetti
syndication Law Group. If we can
help you put together a Reg D
offering, we'd be happy to talk
with you and see what we can do