Launching Real Estate Syndications - Ep 4 - Finding Investors for Your Real Estate Syndication
So I've got some good news. And
I've got some bad news for you.
Now, first, we're gonna go
through the bad news. You just
cannot put some stuff up on the
internet and magically expect to
find investors. It just doesn't
work. The people that say that
they've done it or say that
they've done it, I'm telling you
now that those people are just
trying to sell you a phony
system that didn't actually that
they didn't actually do for
themselves, it doesn't work.
They're trying to sell you
something that just sounds like
it's too good to be true. And
that's because it is, people do
not invest
50,000 100,000 $250,000 A
million dollars, because they
saw a post on the internet, and
suddenly they're sending your
money. It doesn't work that way.
Those people just read a book
from Click Funnels, and they
think they can just repackage
those ideas and sell it. Those
those ideas and those techniques
from the books by Russell
Brunson, they all have
absolutely have their place. But
it does not replace the rest of
what you're going to have to do
in order to find investors. So
take what's in your mind, right
now, if you have that thought
that all you're going to have to
do is put it online, and you're
gonna have investors, I'm going
to tell you right now, you're
not, it's not going to work. So
it's my job to be candid with
you and not sell you something
that's just not going to work.
Because, boy, what a waste of
time that would be you get to
that whole project into escrow,
you're really excited about it,
it's a killer deal. And your
entire marketing plan is to put
it online. And then it'll all
fall apart. That would be just
tragic. I'm here because I want
people to succeed massively. I
want them to be doing deal after
deal, partially because I want
you telling everyone else that I
helped you do it, that you took
some ideas for me and I was
really helpful. You did it. And
that would make me very proud.
So you're also going to have a
hard time getting your offering
into places like crowd street or
really T Mobile. So that's your
marketing plan. Talk to them
first. Because I have talked to
them. I've talked to their CEO,
I've talked to their main VPS. I
know how they work. And most of
you, you don't have the projects
that they're looking for, you're
not there yet. They're looking
for projects from big developers
with a proven track record with
many, many, many millions of
dollars deals that you may be
pulling down. But unless you've
got that solid track record,
then you're probably you're
either you either are very
lucky, or you're in the wrong
place. Because this is a book
for people earlier in theirs. We
have programs for people who are
building REITs. And we have
people going all the way up the
ladder. So launching
syndications is going to get you
to that point. But you're
probably not at that point yet.
So what do you do now, that's
the good news. Because finding
investors doesn't need to be
that challenging. In fact, you
are doing many of the things to
find investors already, all that
you need is to systematize those
and then follow the process,
it's actually quite simple.
There's only a few things that
you need to do. And you probably
know what those things are
already and are doing a lot of
them. So that's the good news.
You can do this. I know you can
do it, I've done it and I was
never the best broker in town,
if you have our top producer
like you probably are and that's
why you're here. You You can
knock this out of the park
without a problem as long as
you've got that process
so first in order to get
started, we have to come into it
with a couple of ideas. Now the
first big idea that's different
than what you may hear out there
is how you approach this and how
you look at the world and how
you look at people and the
people that you talk to. There
are two kinds of people in this
two kinds we've got
fishermen fisherman and we've
got whales now as you can tell
I'm not the greatest artist Oh,
I can't really draw a whale. But
let's just pretend this as a
web, you got fishermen and
whales, and they're not really
mutually exclusive. There are
fishermen who are whales.
Absolutely. So, fishermen and
whale now what is a fisherman, a
fisherman is somebody who has
many contacts, and can bring you
investors, they can make
introductions, they can do those
things, because they have a
large reach. Now, I've been very
successful with a several wealth
managers who have brought me
clients, the thing to know is
you cannot pay people for
referrals of your investors. So
know that from the get go. You
cannot do that, that is a
securities violation, the only
way you can do it is if they
happen to be a broker dealer,
and then they'll talk to you
about how to do it legally
between them and you. But in
general, they cannot do this,
your RAS your are not able to
take a fee on this, unless they
happen to be broker dealers as
well. But those wealth managers
are a great source of clients.
Now, why have I been successful
at getting people to invest
300 400 500 $600,000 at a shot
from a wealth manager referral?
Well, because the wealth manager
wants a few things, they want to
be have a reputation with their
clients of just providing really
excellent service and providing
a whole panoply of choices, that
that makes sense for them. So
they want to see be seen as the
experts in and out. So wealth
managers are terrific for that,
and will refer you if they're
able to do it, they will send
the right people to you. Like I
said, I've been very successful
with wealth managers. I've also
been really successful with
CPAs. So people who do the taxes
or do general accounting for
small for small family offices,
things like that, I've been
very, very successful. And I've
been so successful in it, I've
actually had those same CPA
firms invest in my portfolios as
well. So CPAs are terrific.
Sometimes lawyers are a good
fit. But you know, who also is a
good fit is really anybody
dealing with small business,
small business people tend to be
on the other side, they tend to
be your whales. So let's talk
about whales. What is a whale?
Well, a whale is somebody who's
got a lot of cash to invest.
Now, these are people that you
may know a number of whales
right now. But I've been most
successful with whales who have
a couple of things in common.
The biggest thing that they have
in common is they've got a
really large cash flow. And they
don't know exactly what to do
with it all. They are very, very
busy. And so they don't have
time to be shopping around for
real estate. They're interested
in real estate, and they want to
be seen as a real estate
investor, but they just don't
have time. So these are people
like your doctors, or your small
businesses, or your small
business owners, or your even
medium sized business owners,
your attorneys, people like that
tend to be your whales. They
could also be somebody who had a
very large liquidity event, like
they just sold something very
big, they sold their business,
now they've got this big pot of
cash, they want to put it and
allocate it well and smartly,
but they just don't know where
to. That's why wealth managers
oftentimes will bring the whales
because they get these clients
when there's been this liquidity
event. So fisherman whales,
you're looking for both of them.
Okay? It's it's very important
to kind of categorize them in
your mind. But don't narrow
somebody down somebody who you
think absolutely isn't a whale
and isn't going to be likely to
be your investor. You could be
surprised, or those people who
are whales can also be fishermen
for you. I mean, what do we do
with the golf course when I'm
out with buddies on the golf
course I was there this morning,
that we are discussing deals and
we're talking about where money
is and we're just chit chatting
amongst ourselves about money.
Now, what comes up frequently
is, hey, I did this really great
investment, or I'm really
looking at this deal. It sounds
really good. What do you think?
Those are? Them acting as
fishermen for you. So now let's
go on to talking about the next
important piece of the puzzle.
And that's the idea of going
from one to many
And then filtering it down until
you start. That's a funnel case
you can't tell filtering it down
until it's one to one. So this
is your, this is a typical way
to have those conversations
where you've got people, and you
are having massive conversations
because you don't know these
people yet. So you're having
these conversations with people,
and you're having it as many
people as possible in order to
do that. Now, this is where we
do the online marketing and the,
you know, social media marketing
and all those types of things.
In order to bring investors, it
starts the conversation, having
that conversation is important.
And it also backs you up. So
when people look you up on the
internet, they look you on
LinkedIn, or they look at your
Facebook and see what you've
been doing or things like that,
you've got a whole list of kind
of content that makes you look
like you are actively doing what
you're doing. And so it supports
you. But it also can bring
investors. Now, that said, I
haven't gotten many leads at all
in my career over just using
online, I have tried, and I have
the best in the business that I
work with, in order to do
marketing, but it just isn't the
kind of thing that people are
looking for, you're interrupting
their pattern when there's an
advertisement. And then you have
to interrupt their pattern, and
then they have to follow you.
And ultimately you're asking
them for 1000s and 1000s and
1000s of dollars, people
generally are much more
sophisticated and much more kind
of afraid of going forward with
that. So I've haven't had much
luck with advertising I have
been using, it has been very
helpful for me to have a large
base of social media with that I
do use in order to so when
people look me up, they see I'm
I'm legit, I'm the real deal. So
that's been useful. But just
advertising most of the time for
what we're doing, it's gonna be
a waste of money. Now, I know
that there's exceptions to this,
you have people like Grant
Cardone, and people like that,
who aren't advertising. But he's
advertising off of his brand
name, too. So people do know who
he is. And so that that supports
him. So we do put things online,
we use the social media, also
for the branding, I would
definitely do webinars, webinars
are is a one, one to many
conversation, you put it out
there, the webinar, it's a free
webinar, people come in, they
get to kind of experience you
and what you talk about, they
get an idea of who you are and
what's going on. And really the
goal, again, is to move them
down the funnel into having this
one to one conversation here. So
we've got those we've got in
terms, get on podcast, those are
great, it all supports you and
set you up to look like an
expert. In terms of offline,
we're talking about trade shows,
direct mail, cold calling
offline events. Now you're
starting to see why I'm saying
that you're probably doing these
things already. Because you
probably are doing direct mail
or you're at cold calling, or
your door knocking or whatever
those things are, you're
probably doing them already.
You're probably putting my
social media up already. So
you're already establishing
yourself as part of the real
estate profession. Now it's time
to take where you're at right
now in the in the real estate
profession and elevate yourself
up to the next level, which is
not only a professional but also
an investor and somebody
sophisticated with your own
firm. Once we get down to this
one to one conversation, once
that starts happening, that's
when we start really trying to
do a few different things. What
we're trying to do for our
referrals, is we're trying to
build it so make it clear that
we've got a we've got something
of value to offer them.
And so for your wealth managers,
that's your product is something
of value because it's an
engaging conversation. Another
idea is you take those wealth
managers, and then you give them
an opportunity to present to
your clients and in exchange
they get an opportunity to put
sent to your client, you get an
opportunity to present theirs,
you get the you know, vice
versa. So everybody gets to talk
to everybody. And they start
said, you both raise your game
because you're marketing to each
other, and you're not competing.
So they're they cooperate very
well together. So that's the
kind of thing that is something
of value that you can set up
between wealth managers, CPAs,
lawyers, things like that. Then
we, you got to make sure that
you provide that, that excellent
service to those people, and
then appreciate and send them
thank yous, let them know where
things are at if you get a
referral, let them know where
where that referral is, and
what's going on in it. All right
now, part of that conversation
is this. And you've seen this
before. And so I just want to,
this isn't anything new if
you've been in the real estate
game for so long, but this is
your sphere of influence. And
before you stop the video and
skip to the next channel, I've
got just another way for you to
look at it. That is helpful for
you. So it starts with your
inner circle. Right, these are
the people that you know very,
very well, that you meet with
all the time, that's your inner
circle, then you've got your
previous clients or current
And then you've got the people
that you've met with.
And then you've got the the the
whales, the targets, you haven't
just move this out of the way,
here. And then you've got the
public. This is everybody else.
So here's what we're talking
about. This people the in the
public. And the targets that you
haven't met with. These are
people that are in this in this
zone. This is where you have
your advertising and advertising
and general marketing. This is
your one to many conversations.
This is your direct mail, this
is all those types of things. So
you line up your systems of
communicating to the in the one
to many to the public and to the
targets you haven't met. Now,
once you've met them, your goal
is to move people down as much
as possible. You want them to
come basically into your inner
circle, people who trust you so
much that you've got them that
they want to invest with you.
And you're gonna do a great job
for some of the people that
you've met with maybe you start
with a, you know, a few emails
in a couple cold calls in order
to kind of remind them kind of
stoke the fire. Ultimately, your
previous clients, you want to
sit down with have lunch with
have coffee with whatever to
really get them to now once
they're in your inner circle,
you're meeting with them all the
time anyway, so they're already
part of your team. But your
previous clients, you're
probably calling them already
today. Like you probably got off
the phone with them before
watching this video, you
probably have a program in place
to do that. But are you talking
to them about investing in
syndications? Probably not. So
that's what I'm saying is you
need to systematize this. So
come up with a system and you
categorize all these people, you
make a large list of everybody
that's out there. So everybody
you've met with previous
clients, Inner Inner clients.
And then as part of that list
also targets that you haven't
met yet with, but that you
really would like to that dream
100 List people that you think
you can find and that you think
you can bring in and then you've
got your general public. So come
up with a plan for how you're
going to communicate all of
these levels. So for me, I do
one on ones with my inner with
my inner circle. My previous
clients I tend to call a maybe a
once a month sometimes if things
are not as caught not really
going or cooking right then
maybe it's once a quarter people
I met with I probably call
Maybe, I don't know, once or
twice a year, but I'm always
trying to see if they're really
interested. And if I can pull
them closer to me, and I'm
sending them emails, and I'm
trying to have a conversation
and continually add value to
their lives. So that's the goal
is to always try and be moving
people down from there. So we
start from one to many, we move
to the next one. And that's how
we do it. So, in the next
module, we're going to talk
about the other piece of the
puzzles. So now you've got all
of your, all of your potential
investors identified and you
know who they are, but now you
need a product to give them and
that product in the syndication
game is properties. And so how
do we find properties? This next
module we'll go through a system
in order to find properties that
are ripe for syndication.