Launching Real Estate Syndications - Ep 14 - Investor Communications

“Escrow closed! We own the property!… So, are we done?” Nope. There are things to do besides cashing those monthly fee checks. Your investors expect distributions and to know what is going on. Plus, you need to know what is going on to make sure you can do the next deal. Visit the web version here:

Tilden Moschetti: Congratulations,
Your syndication is now in

orbit. It's doing its job right
now, which is generating cash or

doing its construction or just
appreciating whatever you've

decided to do, but it's in
orbit. So let's talk about the

next job that you've got. Well,
the number one complaint that I

hear from investors in
syndications. Now, these aren't

mine. These are from investors
in other syndications, the one

complaint I hear more than any
other is, I never hear from

them, I have no idea what's
going on. I can't tell you how

many times I hear that. It's
like 90%. It's a huge, huge

number, which is a real big
shame. I mean, investors have

trusted their syndicator with to
make money for them. And many

times that syndicator is making
money for them. They're doing a

great job making money, but they
never talked to their investors.

That's a terrible shame, don't
you think? They never let them

their investors feel like
they're part of a deal or

something great, like their
syndication. So when it comes

time to do another syndication?
Do you think that those

investors really want to go into
deal with that syndicator?

Again, probably not. But you are
not going to make that same

mistake, because I'm going to
show you exactly what you tell

your investors on an ongoing

All right, so what do you
exactly tell your investors on

an ongoing basis, I call this my
investor relations piece. And

this is how you do it. So let's
go to the whiteboard. So what I

like to do is, every time that I
make a distribution, because I

want them to have that,
associated when I talk with my

investors that they associate
making money with with it, when

I do that, I send them an email.
So here is my email to

investors. So I do this every
quarter every month, it depends

whenever my my term is do
realistically, I like to do it,

you know, every quarter, and
then an annual, so there are

different things I like to put.
So I like to put exactly what

the name of the investment is at
the top. These people may own

several different investments,
and they may own several

different investments with you.
So let's be really clear as to

what the name of the investment
is. And if there's an address, I

put that too. I also like to put
if I'm making a reference to

year to date, I like to put
which year to date we're talking

about. And then the most
important for relations point of

view, I think, is just this
photograph of the building, you

know, show a nice picture of the
building. And then this is

supposed to be a different view
of that same building, so we'll

put like a different view. So, I
like to show a nice picture of

the building and I like to show
a putt the date that that

picture was taken and it should
be from the same period from the

last time you did that that way
that shows that you are on it

you will keep your eyes on the
ball on their investment. Now I

like to give some sort of
metrics so they see what the

general performances one thing I
like to show is the cash flow

summary. So I put a year to date
gross. I put year to date pass

throughs if there are any

example is also attached to this
module as well. A year to date

expenses and then a year to
date. Anyway, that way they

really get a feel for what's
exactly going on on the

property. So it's got numbers.
Then I like to put an Occupy

occupancy summary

To give an idea about the
percentage outs of where we're

at. And so that's current and
projected because you know about

when a vacancy is coming up, so
might be at 100%, but you know,

something's coming up. So it's
going to be at 80% in the near

term. And then I like to talk
about reserves because that's

their money to like put put the
amount, the current dollar

amount and then prior quarter,
so that they can see if it went

up or down. So that's goes on in
the way I do it that goes on the

left side now then I like to do
different things on the right

side, I like to say, but notable
expenses are coming up. And then

this I just put words if there
is any night if there's non I

put none any rent delinquencies

if there are any, and then a
investment overview

just to reiterate where things
are at, and it bases everything

off my metrics, right, I've got
my acquisition cost. I've got

any capital events you know, the
sold part of it or whatnot. And

then total basis. And I also
like to put on a per share basis

too. And you'll see that in the
example. Now, I also like to

give some in some mac metrics

I like to have what the monthly
net income is, as well as per

share. I like to have the
monthly distribution amount

as well as per share. And
they'll see that compared to you

know, this is the amount of
money they're getting. So

they'll see it and then the
estimated value if you sold it

today as well as per share. Then
I like to say what my noi yield

is what my pro forma

noi yield is, and my current
distributed yield, give them a

good sense of what the what's
going on. Then the last thing I

like to do shouldn't do on that
line. The last thing I like to

put is, you know, just a
property update.

And this is a narrative list
tells everything that's going

on, we're doing great. You know,
here's what's coming up, here's

how things are going. You know,
this is why we bought it, aren't

you glad you invested with us.
And then I like to close it all

off with if you have any
questions for or for any reason

would like to discuss any of
these things with us, please

give me a call or send me an
email, I'd be happy to talk

about any and all of it with
you. You want us to be very very

available to your investors
because these people you're also

marketing to for your next
investment. So take care of them

and communicate with them.
That's the number one thing is

just communicate, communicate,
communicate if they feel like

they're being talked to and
taken care of, they're gonna

invest with you again, which is
a deal. So in the next module,

we are going to discuss just
what Asset Management is and how

you do it so that you're sitting
occasions work well, you'll find

the best times to create capital
events and your investors and

you make as much money as
possible when you're doing that

asset management right

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