Deconstructing a Reg D Real Estate Syndication Deal A-to-Z: Part 2
We're gonna take a deeper dive
into a deal deconstructed on a
syndication deal is a real
deals, just slightly modified so
that we can hide exactly what
the property was for privacy
reasons. Now, this will also
talk about the fees that you can
make and money making in there.
It is a blast from the past, it
was recorded about two years
ago. And I thought it would be
helpful to put out here today,
I'm going to be doing that
continuously now for for some of
the videos that I have before,
because they're useful, there's
great content there. And I want
to make that available and help
y'all. If you liked this
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Here's what we're going to be
doing today is we're going to be
going back through everything
that we talked about last week.
And just a quick high level
overview. And then we're going
to go deeper into details such
as, how do we underwrite that
property? And then once we've
closed that escrow, how do we
make money on it and ultimately
sell the property where our
money comes from, and we'll go
from there. Alright. So here's
my screen. This is what we
talked about yesterday,
basically, we, and I'm going to
do this very, very quick. So we,
we looked at three different
properties from a very high
level, we looked at them through
the lens of our founder
investment theory, the
underwriting and then survey the
investors. We're gonna go deeper
into that underwriting in just a
moment. And then ultimately, we
came out and at the end of the
day, we said, yes, the Wilson
building is a property that we
would like to syndicate. So we
make that commitment, we put our
3% down. And then this begins
this process of where are we
We're in escrow, we've got 90
days to close it, and we've got
to race truck cars going at the
same time. So we've got the, the
race car of the transaction
going, that we need to get this
closed, and the race car,
syndicating it, finding
investors and making sure that
everything is working there. On
the syndicating side, we are we
formed the entity, we make a
choice as to which one of the
SEC exceptions we do, we'll put
our PPM together operating
agreement, subscription
agreement, start marketing it,
build that list, walk our
investors, and ultimately, they
latch on and give us the money
and we close. Meanwhile, we've
done our financing and our due
diligence on that side to make
sure we get the money on the
loan, in order to get to close.
And then we'll go through the
money part of that in just a
minute. So let's go ahead and
switch over to my other screen.
So let's go ahead and switch
over to the my screen, my Excel
spreadsheet. So this is a
underwriting template that I
have. And this is I'm gonna
give, I'm gonna be sending this
out, there's I'm gonna send it
out to as a tab in a more
templated form. So if there's
any comments you have about what
you don't like about it, you
know, I'd actually be very
interested to hear it. Because I
want this to be especially
useful. When I'll type kind of
talk as I'm going about the
changes that are coming to this
template. So that way, you kind
of can see the direction that
it's going, that this should be
out, I will send out this
spreadsheet itself, I'll send it
out as part of the notes for
this call. And then the template
itself will be coming out in the
next week or two because I kind
of want to pretty it up and make
it a little bit better than it
is. All right. So let's go ahead
and let me make it a little bit
bigger for people. So this is a
underwriting spreadsheet. It
starts with some assumptions,
and I've got a lot of things in
it. And not all of these things
are filled out. Because this can
be really thought of as sort of
a back of the envelope
calculation. And when I first
get a property, these are the
kinds of things that I'm
thinking about doing. And I am
doing some some perspectives and
there's even some other property
information in this in terms of
friends and things like that in
just just to give you a quick
rundown. So it makes assumptions
about your income and expense.
Your acquisition costs,
financing. Ultimately, what the
costs of insurance are how
property taxes work, I will say
we're in California. So I've
been using the property taxes
really add, I'm using it at a
little bit of a conservative
number of 1.25%, which is how we
work in California, other
jurisdictions are different, I
would just estimate what the
property taxes are going to be.
And then you can use this the
exact same way by filling in
that what the exit looks like.
And here, we're really looking
at growth factors and vacancy
factors, what lease commissions
look like, what capex looks
like, et cetera. Now, I, for
this spreadsheet, I use this
spreadsheet as a very, very
quick way of underwriting a
property. It's not the only way
I do it, I also use another
program, which I will probably
if there's time, I'll get to it.
That is a lot more detailed.
It's property called our DCF.
It's similar to Argus, I think
it's a lot easier than Argus if
you've heard of that. And it it
basically lets you get into much
more detail and much more
creative solutions. But this is
going to give you the basic idea
of whether it's an it's even
worth trying to syndicate this
property or not. So we have an
input screen. And basically what
we're doing is we're out we're,
we're spitting out three
reports. So we're going to be
spitting out a syndicator
summary, an investor summary, a
property summary, and then a
bunch of other things which are
useful as attachments into your
PPM I would not give these
indicators summary that's more
internal to see if it's worth
doing. So the we've got
different inputs here, I don't
use a lot of these be except the
purchase price, down payments,
things like that are useful, and
then this other income we are
going to use here. So the best
place, I think to start with
everything is what my mentor
taught me. And what he taught me
was that the everything is, is
the comes from the lease. So the
lease is the key of the deal. So
let's go ahead and put here is
the just a quick rent roll that
comes from the LM on this
property. So this was an older
property, I've updated the dates
and everything. So you'll notice
that on the dates, and he
basically is showing you
everything that we need to know.
So I take all of this data here,
a my lease abstract, or and I
start just applying it into my
into my spreadsheet. So you'll
see I've basically done that
here, I've put down the
different types of tenants
because I want to understand the
tenant mix. Well, I put the size
down. For base rent I'm used, I
decided to go with the
convention of dollars per square
foot per year, because most of
the people in accepting
California use that convention.
So we're going to use that
convention as well. But feel
free to change this to whatever
your purposes are. This is base
rent per month. And then other
income is for camps. Now I don't
have per unit cam charges here.
So what I've done is I've
actually applied that into the
the NOI and we'll get to that in
a minute. But basically, I
wanted to basically verify that
I've got you know, the same
number of square feet that are
that's being advertised, which
is the 1499 I wanted to make
sure see what my what my average
rent was, what my average
monthly rent was. And ultimately
I could see what what those are
as well. Now, I can also use
this vacancy if I had a vacancy,
you know, here, I could change
my equation to basically create
my my vacancy factor. So out of
this, I've got a base rent that
is then I've got my base rent.
And this goes into our NOI and
this is why this property is why
this spreadsheet is not quite as
flexible, as say a property that
we would be syndicating, and if
I would say it's less strategic,
let me put it that way. For
example, I may see that, in this
particular deal, I remember that
there was something specific
that was happening with the
sandwich shop with when its
lease was expiring that they
were way under market rent for
what they had, especially given
the fact they put in a lot of T
eyes and they put in a hood,
this, this dollar amount was
just low, so they were due for a
substantial increase. And then
there's also some other sub
market rents, I mean, $15, a
square foot for that space is is
not not appropriate for a print
shop. So there was going to be a
considerable amount of rent
boosts, there was also going to
be changes.
And what we do with the cell
tower, maybe or the Billboard,
and we'll talk about that in a
little bit as once the property
is going, but this is the going
in just Is this worth that idea.
And it's always, this is always
a game of bouncing back and
forth between what is what you
can do, how you can get the
numbers to be the way that you
want them to, without, you know,
without lying, but ways of
saying what are those levers
that I need to pull in order to
change the investment. So
ultimately, we're coming up with
a pro forma of operating the
investment. And we'll do a much
much deeper dive in a just in a
recorded session on building out
performance and underwriting as
well. We'll do a multifamily
we'll do retail, we'll do a
development piece. And maybe
something else if somebody else
has any, anything that they want
us to do, about how to basically
build out this pro forma and,
and get the most out of it. So
let's go through the numbers
real quick here to kind of
understand what we're doing. All
we've done, because what we're
trying to do is get that back of
the that that napkin bar napkin
overview is we're just taking
the potential rental income of
this place fully occupied for
the rent roll, so it's the same
dollar amount, times 12. And
then taking the other income
that's coming from here. So
that's coming from the cell
tower and the billboard. And
then we get at the end of the
day, we get our gross retail, or
rental income. Now, we always
apply a vacancy cost and a
credit cost. Now if you're doing
a very detailed underwriting,
you're it's gonna be kind of
baked in, but you to the extent
of vacancy, but you're, you'll
have maybe still some sort of
number for credit loss. And so
right here, we're just using 10%
to be conservative, maybe
vacancy in the areas 5%. So you
decided 10% was a reasonable
number to do it. And don't
worry, again, if I'm going too
fast, we're gonna have a much
much deeper dive on underwriting
in general. So once you've
subtracted out the vacancy and
credit loss, we get the
effective rental income. And
then we add in that other
income, other income is not
included, because it is not part
of the potential rental income.
That's, that's affected by
vacancy. So that's why it's
separate down here. And then we
get our gross operating income.
So all we've done for that is
calculate the growth of our, our
rents in our rent roll. So we've
just in this scenario, we've
just said everybody's on a 3%
rental increase. And then same
thing with the other with the
billboard and the cell tower
that these are on 3%. So those
are right here. The Bat growth,
and then other groups, what
we're doing is just seeing as if
everybody stayed and if
everybody had 3% rent increases,
what does this look like? So
then we come to our operating
expenses. I again, this is in a
particular order that I like I
do have a we have one recording
that's in the Knowledge Library
either now or it will be very,
very shortly like in a day or
two on on how to do this portion
of it, how to go through the
property details. sell property,
taxes, insurance management, I
have a ticular order I like to
do these things and electric and
gas water. Now, this is a triple
net property. And so we've we've
also included that number in the
answer. So I included that
number here under other rental
income. So these are the cam
charges that we got from the,
from the OM that was provided to
us that we were looking at. So
basically, we take these at the
end of the day, we've got
$81,000, which is 24% margin,
which is really quite healthy.
And then we at the end of the
day have a net operating income
of 262 924. And now, I actually
did massage these numbers down a
little bit, not the operating
expenses, I I massaged down the
the operating incomes, from what
they were in reality just to
make it a little bit simpler.
And so that's where we're at. So
now we've got that operating
income. And now we really need
to figure out okay, so we've got
all that now, what is how much
money is actually coming in. So
as a very quick refresher, we
have, we always have two kinds
of things we have everything
that takes place above the line,
and everything that takes place
below the line. Everything that
takes place above the line are
these things that ultimately
come to noi. And we say that
they are above the line, because
everybody is going to incur
these costs, any reasonable real
estate owner is going to incur
this. Now things that are below
the line are considered
discretionary. And so things
that are below the line are
ultimately gets us our cash flow
after taxes, which we'll show.
But for the most part, I don't
actually use cash flow after
taxes as a syndicator. Because
my investors may have different
tax positions than than I do, or
that I'm forecasting. I do put
it here just as because it's
easy to calculate, and why not.
But really, what I actually am
concerned with is getting to
this cash flow before taxes. So
to get there, we take our net
operating income, we subtract
out our annual debt payment. And
that is because, you know, debt
service is not something that
everybody has to do, I have
owned properties with that I've
owned properties. Without that.
It is not a mandatory thing. So
that's why it is a below the
line cost. Participation
payments are pretty rare, we'll
leave that out. Lease
commissions. Here, again, is an
example about how this is a
quick estimate. Because all
we're doing here is we're
saying, look, it's going to be
we're going to take that vacancy
factor of 10%. And we're going
to just apply the 6% leasing
commission across there, it just
setting a very normal level
playing field on what it would
be for just to get a quick
calculation at the end of the
day. Same thing with capex, we
did it down here, I just put in
$20 a square foot you may agree
or disagree. It's whatever you
think it is, you can put in your
own number there. Likewise, you
can stage this out over
different years, I'd like to
just use a quick calculation on
this to give me an idea.
Funded reserves. We started this
with a if you remember in the
very in the yes in last week's
call with a $50,000 reserve
account that we were funding.
And it's a good idea to keep
adding to funded reserves just
as a piggy bank, and that you
can come up with whatever
calculation you think makes
sense here 1% of and a Y is
pretty normal 2% is normal, I
wouldn't do substantially more
unless until it gets up to
unless you need it to get up to
a certain dollar amount. 50,000
for this property is reasonable.
And there's different metrics
you can do in order to get
determined what you think is the
best amount of your fund
reserves. Your asset management
fee is 1%. And 1% is a very
normal amount for an asset
management fee. So that's why we
Use that. And I also forgot to
mention that this property
management fee, I decided to
mark it three and a half
percent. And on this building,
it was marked to two and a half
percent, I wanted to mark it up
a little bit, because two and a
half percent is awfully low and
the lease is actually would have
supported even going up before.
But there was no particular need
to add that additional cost. So
at the end of the day, when you
subtract out all these things
out of your net operating
income, you get your cash flow
before taxes. And then what I
like to do is then take my cash
flow before the the my cash flow
before taxes per share. So this
comes from the investor summary.
And we looked at it just a
different different presentation
of this last week, it's not
substantially different. So
let's go through this and we'll
circle back to where everything
plugs in. So ultimately, you've
got a property, I like to start
at acquisition, you've got a
property that you're buying, you
know, you can buy it at 3.3.
You've decided that a reserve
account of $50,000 is
appropriate for this property in
order to do it, it's there all
triple net leases, it shouldn't
be too expensive, it's a pretty
high demand area. So you're not
expecting a huge amount in terms
of T eyes or additional costs.
50,000 should be appropriate.
Cost of startup is your costs
that include your filing fees,
your SEC fees, things like that.
Your cost of financing, this is
your points that you're paying
on as part of the deal. I like
to leave this in here, even
though it actually comes in at
the loan cost, I think it
actually helps explain it a
little bit better. Because you
actually do have significant
costs just to in order to obtain
that, and then it still gets
baked in. So your cost of
financing may include things
like your cost to either for
referral fees, if you're using a
broker dealer that will cover
some of those costs, your costs
of of like loan acquisition,
your appraisals, things like
that, that are going to be
necessary in order to do that.
Your acquisition fee is this In
this scenario, this is just your
brokerage fee. So this is
$66,000. It's just a 2% fee on
one side, and I have not baked
that into there could be an
additional acquisition fee. So
these are the numbers that
you're playing around with in
order to get this internal rate
of return ultimately, or this
average rate of return kind of
balancing out. Because as you
move these numbers around, so as
you move around your your total
cost to fund it, you'll see that
that this self sell and four and
25 and 45 is not included. So
it's just money that you're
assuming is going to go into
your pocket, which you could
invest as an investor, if you
will. But for this sheet, I
didn't do it that way. And so
this cost of fund is this
projected return. So you're
offering this this 1237 shares,
I almost always encourage people
to do the dollars per share at
$1,000 a share. It's an easy
number to work with. As long if
you're doing a simple things
like not a blind pool $1,000
that share works, you're doing a
blind pool, probably $100 a
share. But most of you are going
to not be doing blind pools
appears. So the number of
offered shares is 1237. And
that's just the number of shares
that you're putting out on the
market that you're looking for
investors for because ultimately
you're looking to raise this
1237 That's not the number of
shares that you're actually that
are actually in the investment.
So in this scenario, we're doing
roughly 10% We're doing
so we're actually doing 11%
More, this number could be as
high as 20. But when I was
calculating it with 20% it made
the return for the investment
for the syndicator terrific. It
just mushed the internal rate of
return down to a point where I
didn't think it was that great.
And my feel was it just should
have been a little bit better
for this property. I wanted it
somewhere around 15 1617 into
this. So ultimately I was trying
to drive there. This is your an
estimate. Then annual
distribution. And this is we
have it both in total and cost
per share. And that comes from
that this cash flow before
taxes. So this I like to say
it's at year one, because it
increases each year, right,
because cash flow before taxes
hopefully is increasing every
year with rent increases, which
ultimately gives us a return
that does not include
disposition. So all we're doing
here is we're taking the average
of our cash flow before taxes.
And then we are dividing that by
the share by the amount of
dollars that they put in, which
is the cost per share. So that
is, is six 6.29%. Your internal
rate of return then is the Well,
first we need to use to our
disposition before we get to
internal rate of return. And
again, we'll go through these in
a lot more detail. But I don't
want to be boring people with
with internal rate of return
calculations, for the people who
already have, have already got
it, the people who don't, that's
great, we can certainly go
through it, we'll go through it
in great detail. And there'll be
in video, so don't worry, we
will cover everything you need
to know. And if there's
something that's not being
covered, just ask. So our
disposition sales price, where
we just are calculating that
based on we were buying this at
an eight cap, based on how the
property positions itself and
what we know we are capable of
doing, we know that we could get
a we could get probably get this
down to a seven and a half cap.
If you look at it different
ways. And we'll also build this
spreadsheet out. So you can like
alternate between which scenario
you're going to use because this
has a substantial impact on your
on your bridge rate of return.
But let's say we can get it at a
seven and a half cap with those
regular rent increases, that
basically brings it down to
almost $4.1 million. So the
sales price, obviously, there's
a cost to sell it this is that
this is using a 6% cost of sale,
which means nine sides broker
fee that will be offered on both
ends. There, we have to pay off
the loan, which leaves us at the
end of the day of proceeds of
$1.944 million. There's also
this funded reserve account
Oops, that's not correct. So
that needs to be fixed. So this,
this is also a good example, as
you go through where you will
see that there is there's
something that's not right.
Because either you went through
it and put things in that or and
this is going to change your
internal rate of return as well.
So funded reserves is this
$50,000 Plus, we've been making
Okay, much more reasonable
number and see that dropped our
internal rate of return down to
13%. I'm glad that I made that
mistake, because that highlights
exactly part the process itself
is you may have decided I want
really I want to get 15% of
this. And so I need to find a
way in order to get that
improved. So how can we do that?
So there are a few levers in
order to do that we need to
either increase income, you
know, or increase cash flow at
the end of the day. Or we need
to decrease the cost per share.
And in this case, that probably
means just less shares that are
out there in the world. So how I
would do that would be I would
first look at my NOI and I would
say okay, well how can I do
that? Since since the current
management fees are kind of a
set cost. You know, that I'm
getting we could reduce this to
2%. Say we reduced this to 3%.
Now we're not going to see a
major difference, because it's
broken out amongst all the
tenants and old similarly, we've
got, you know, a $2,000 month
drop, but let's see the impact.
So we got a 1% impact there, I
would want to get at least a
little bit more. And so I
probably would do that by
reducing the costs of my
I would do it by, say, pumping
back. My, well, I think the
first thing I would look at is
what would happen if I pump back
in my part of my feet here. So
let's remember what I'm doing
here I'm doing, I'm cutting my
feet in half. And what I'm going
to do is I'm going to put that
into the property itself. In
order to do that, and what
that's going to do is, it's it's
going to reduce the costs that
this is plus, add that to now
I'm reducing that total cost.
Now, it's not going to reduce
everything yet, because we need
this will be now equal to.
1204 And then this, remember, I
wanted that really just 10%
to give me a rough ballpark, now
probably brought my return down
just a little bit. Let's see
what was our actual number, I
can do it this way. increase, so
I'm still at 14 and a half
percent. All right, I probably
can accept that. I would like
15, ideally, but I probably I
know that I've got some things
I'm gonna be doing with all of
these tenants, that's gonna bump
that up. And so for a very quick
summary, what I would do is I
would first say, okay, that's
what it's going to be for right
now. And then this is just my go
forward analysis. And I probably
would use this for to start
marketing and just say, look, I
there's a lot of juice left in
this property, this is being
exceptionally conservative,
we're gonna get that number up
to 60 and 70%, I think through
some different value added
techniques that will drive that
that return. So that's how we
would do it. So I'm glad we
found this error because that is
going to highlight exactly what
we need to do here. And so this
is our property. Now this screws
everything up because that's now
so let's say I kept I don't need
a negative but let's say I kept
a missile is pulling from the
wrong field.
So now we've got this, we've got
the projected returns here. This
is what we're promising
investors. Now this is part of
our profit. This is our money
here. So we got the brokerage
fee that we've decided we're not
going to put back into the
property and that's the $33,000.
So the the total of 66, half of
its going in half, half of its
going into our pocket or you
could choose to buy up shares,
whatever. In this calculation,
we're not buying up shares. We
decided we're going to be doing
distributions every 12 months.
We've got the asset management
fee, which is calculated on that
over here asset management fee
and then we've got our property
management fees still and then
our ownership distributions and
this is based entirely on the
spreadsheet in investors. So
Based on this spread of how many
shares are owned, so when we do
this deal, so we can expect
every month we're going to
basically be getting, this is
only in the wrong number because
of that this is wrong.
So every 12 months, we are going
to be getting this money, and
it's going to be increasing,
this is really only for year
one, we're going to be getting
$3,300 Pretty good. At the time
of sale, we also have money
coming in, right, we've got the
sales price that we've already
determined. Now we've got a
brokerage fee of 3% that we've
already baked in, which is a
commission of 123 630. So this
has our this has the amount of
money that we're making every
quarter or every term, this is
incorrect. This is to calculate
essentially our net present
value. And I'll fix that
calculation here. Now why do we
do net present value, and why is
this calculation is off, we do
net present value to see if it's
worth our time to to basically
do this in do this investment.
Here, we're going to be three to
$3,000. Down, I'm just
calculating based on very quick
numbers. To get what the value
is, and all I'm getting here is
not that I need to get calculate
my disposition share cost as
well. But we'll see that if my
net present value is approaching
zero, I need to really think
long and hard. If it's worth it
for me to send a kid, every
dollar that's over it is is is
being is discounting the money
that I'm getting at 10% return
which is great for my time that
I've put in. So that that might
be a little confusing right now.
And we'll go over that in more
detail in in the underwriting
section. Because it kind of
goes, we need to have a long
talk about IRR. And when then we
can talk about it net present
value. Basically, though, this
is a property that you're going
to make a lot of money on, your
investors you think is like are
likely to be able to get up to
15% 16% 17% made definitely
below 20. But you know, you're
certainly going to be able to
pop it up. And we'll go into
some more details on on how we
add value in just a minute. But
first, are there any specific
questions about this
underwriting portion? Knowing
that we went very fast? And that
will cover it in much, much more
detail? Not all at once. Well, I
mean, we're gonna be able to get
a copy of the file, right?
Absolutely. Yeah, it'll be on
the show notes on workplace by
the today. I mean, it's here it
is. Okay. And certainly, if you
have any questions on that, or
how did you calculate that this
or anything like that your
questions are more than welcome.
Just post a blog post on
workplace is probably the
easiest place because then I can
answer it a little bit quicker.
Alright, so let's go ahead and
talk about another portion of
this. So let's stop the share.
And I'll share something else.
So back to my whiteboard. Okay.
All right. So here we are, we've
closed the property. And now
we've got a basic, we've got
some underwriting. So what do we
need to do now? We've promised
investors a few things. So,
promise. So we've promised them
monthly distributions. Now you
can distribute monthly, you can
distribute annually, you could
distribute quarterly, you can do
whatever you want. Monthly, is
kind of a pain. But it's, in a
sense, it makes more sense than
quarterly. If there's a lot of
things going on and your cash
flow make make more sense if
it's monthly as well, because I
think it's generally easier to
do everything at once.
Especially if you're the
property manager from all
expenses of the property and all
of the expenses and
distributions of the InVEST So,
expenses of the investment is
your if you have taxes that
accounting fees, your bank and
your asset management fees. So I
think it makes most sense to do
it monthly, it does not make any
sense. And it is horrifically
awful to have everybody on a
different schedule. I've done it
in it's horrible. So get them
all on the same schedule. Most
people are good with monthly The
only people who may have a
problem with monthly as people
using their SEP IRA. We can go
into that detail when we have
we'll have another vendor call
about SEP IRAs. So let's go
through this. So how what do we
do first, every month now we are
making a distribution and you
are sending them a report I have
a template for reports. There is
also a very detailed walkthrough
of the reports in the Knowledge
Library if it's not there today,
it'll be there this week on
exactly how we do these updates.
Basically, I'll give you a very
very high level view of what we
are of what we go through what
we're really looking for is
we're looking for your to give
them a helps first I like to
give them pics you know couple
pictures of the property and
date the date the pictures, so
that way they know that you are
keeping an eye on July one
then I like to have sort of a
cash flow summary
a notable expenses
then there's detail under here.
Then there is your occupancy
summary there is a discussion of
any rent delinquencies.
We talked about the reserves,
because that's their money. They
won't forget it. So that talks
about how much is in reserves
and then a investment overview.
And here I'm giving just some
more metrics about the
investment as a whole. And then
I break it down into even more
specific key investor math
tricks. This is basically how
well their investment is
performing different yields and
then a summer so what I'm trying
to do is I'm sending them this
email every month. And it's very
simple once you've built
basically a template for
yourself to just plug all these
numbers in and if you're doing
your own property management or
their or you're having it done
for you, most of this number is
going to come directly from them
anyway. And so it's very, very
quick to to plug it in, and your
investors will always know
what's going on nobody's going
to object to seeing this every
month so this will make them
feel much more comfortable. So
these things are going on all
the time, right so every month
we're doing this now at the same
time we're looking we're doing a
few different things and there
are other things that are in the
core that are that we are
continuously looking at. We're
always looking at what I call
the three options which are you
know, hold refinance or sell we
are always looking for value add
opportunities and in this in the
case of Wilson we know we've got
a a cell tower and a billboard.
Those may be value add
opportunities for us so those
would probably Believe bear a
stronger look at now it isn't
necessarily that a value add
isn't now always going to be,
you know, re tenanting or
restriping, what you're doing
with a value add, really the
goal is to get the cash in your
investors hand quicker as part
as quickly as possible. Now, if
you think that you can sell your
cell tower or your billboard or
both, to a good buyer, and they
do exist, they pollute just by
those, then maybe you want to
sell that at the very beginning
and return a huge amount of
money back into your investors
hands in order to in order to
give them that money sooner,
which means your IRR is going to
go up. Because as you go down
this T bar of IRR, you know
you've got your negative 1000
You know, you've got dollars
amount here. And then
ultimately, here you have your
dollar amount plus your
disposition. The larger you make
this money sooner, the sooner
you give them this money, the
the larger your internal rate of
return is going to be which
means your your performance is
generally going to be better.
You if you can say look
investors, we may do a 25%
return it's true, you did you
made them a 25% return
annualized over the course of
the investment by giving them
that money sooner. So that is
another portion on this
particular deal that I would
think is a value add
opportunity. There were also
others such as changing the way
tenants work, upping rents and
things like that. And I know
we're not going to have time to
go in detail on like how to do
that in this particular call.
But we can go over that in I'll
show you the tool that I like to
use, maybe on the next call if
people want to see that. And
then ultimately, we are so we're
looking for, you know, our
options do we hold do we sell do
we refi or managing that
property, this is their asset
management piece. And this is
our asset management piece.
These are the two biggest parts
of asset management besides that
communication. So that is what's
taking place under all this, all
of these is we are managing the
asset. Ultimately, you're going
to decide, Okay, it's time to
sell. Most of you will put that
final decision in voter hands.
And there is a video also in the
Knowledge Library about how you
actually do a vote. It's right
now it is located in within the
operations of the core section
and in the it's in the
communication subsection of
operations. But there will also
be an additional one that's
under the exit because
ultimately we need to make a
decision on selling. And there's
a template that we have also for
you on how you gather the votes
and starts off first, do you
have 51? Do you need 51% of the
votes? Do you need 75% of the
vote? Whatever that number is,
you make a case for how you
would make that determination.
And then you'd put it out there
to vote. If enough people vote
to sell, then you sell the
property you circling back on
the question that we often get
is yes, you can take brokerage
fees on this. And that is you
can take your brokerage fee if
you want for the sale of the
property, regardless of if you
have, I believe regardless if if
you have a license in that state
because you are acting in the
interest of an asset manager,
not a broker in that context.
And you can tell escrow to pay
you accordingly. And so as long
as it's been disclosed that
you'll be doing that in your PPM
you will be fine. And then we go
to you'll go to sell and you
will run the transaction just
like you do any other
transaction. You will market it
you know ultimately your choose
a buyer. I would give yourself
when you're voting some leeway
on how you would make a decision
for it and have a rational basis
for that you can explain on why
you would choose this particular
buyer. We talked about that in
the in the core as well, and
that is, you know, on a part of
the exit and market section. So
choose a buyer, and then you're
just making sure that all your
due diligence and disclosures
are done. And then it closes.
One, once it closes, you're now
in this interim period where you
need to finalize everything. So
this is the finalized section of
the exit part of the core. And
under finalize, what we're
really looking at doing, from
the assets point of view, is
we're looking at taking that
distributor or paying off any
extra costs. And this oftentimes
is paying off a you know, your
final accountant, your final tax
bill, making sure that's done
making sure everybody's up on
their taxes, so that everything
can just take place seamlessly.
And then you distribute, you
give a final report to your
investors. And and then you
close the entity when you're
doing this final report, you're
of course, you know, doing your
your investor relations as well
to try and encourage them to
invest in other things with you.
And that is the basic property
process of what we do. And so, I
will also include the quick
spreadsheets that I have for
calculating the existence this
I will distribute this one as
well. But the that basically
has, you know, a quick way of
calculating what, who your
investors are, what the
distributions look like things
like that. So that way you can
see, you know how you can keep
track of your monthly
distributions or your monthly
distribution amounts. And
ultimately, you can use that
same sheet to calculate what
your final dispositions look