Assembling Your Real Estate Syndication Team: Who's In?

Tilden Moschetti: So you're
putting together a real estate

syndication but you want to know
who needs to be on your team. A

lot of times people will call me
first, they'll say till then

you're a syndication attorney
who needs to be on my team.

Well, in today's video, we're
gonna go through the five main

players and a couple other ideas
on who needs to be in your

Rolodex as key players so that
you when you're putting together

that's indication, you know who
is on your team.

My name is Tilden Moschetti. I
am a syndication attorney with

the Moschetti syndication Law
Group. We specialize in putting

together Regulation D 506b and
506c offerings for real estate

syndicators, real estate
developers, businesses, anybody

who's looking to raise outside
capital for the acquisition of

assets, and those outside
investors get compensated. So

let's talk about some of the key
players who need to be part of

your team. First off is the real
estate syndication attorney,

such as myself, I specialize in
this field, I've done many deals

for myself, as well as acted as
an attorney on hundreds of real

estate syndication offerings put
together by my clients, but I do

my own deal. So I boots on the
ground experience. And I have

know firsthand the situation
that you're going through. So a

lot of times people will come to
me first, because I already have

been there and bend down the
path that they're that they're

looking for. And they know, I
probably know people, that would

be good additional team members.
So real estate syndication

attorney, my job is to make sure
that you are compliant with the

rules of the SEC in the States
and that you're complying and

doing all the things that are
necessary when you're offering a

security because that's what
you're doing in a syndication is

you're selling a security, it's
a free pass to sell that

security, but you need to follow
the rules, you know, just like a

stockbroker, you know, they're
selling securities, and they

probably have an MBA. In this
case, you're getting to do all

that work. And you're getting to
make money as somebody selling a

security your own. But you need
to comply with those rules. So

our job as a syndication
attorney is to make sure that

you're compliant. Our job is
also to make sure that you go

down a road and that you're
ultimately successful, because

then you can keep doing more and
more syndications, right.

Another major key player, the
probably number one on your

list, or number two on your list
is a real estate agent or real

estate broker, you need a way to
be able to find properties and

and be able to source those.
Some people have those in house

and that's or they come to the
doing real estate syndication as

a broker agent themselves. But
if they're not, it's very

helpful to have at least one and
probably a multitude of real

estate agents or brokers to help
them find the right property and

to set up that deal for the
acquisition of the asset that

will be part of their
syndication to begin with.

Another key person is, is an
accountant. Now, the accountant

certainly is going to be doing
the taxes and making sure that

the K ones get filed most
syndications that our

partnership returns, which means
that we issue K ones every year.

And that account is critical to
make sure that all the benefits

of owning real estate such as
depreciation, are passed on in

the appropriate way to your
investors, as well as giving tax

returns which need to get filed
every time. And you along with

that accountant, you will also
want a bookkeeper. And so you

want to be able to keep track of
all those expenses and make sure

that they're being attributed
properly to the investment

vehicle itself. We want to make
sure that distributions are

happening in an appropriate way
and make sure that those

distributions are happening and
a bookkeeper can help you with

that. Lastly, you may choose to
have a property manager, a

property manager is the one on
site or near the site that can

be the boots on the ground and
make sure that tenants are

paying their rent to make sure
that improvements are happening

to make sure that expenses are
getting paid. All those things

that a property manager does.
Having a great property manager

is a lifesaver for a syndicator
I've never had a syndication go

south where I haven't had a I
should put that differently.

I've never had a syndication go
south. And that is because I've

always had the very best
property manager I could find to

make sure that the property was
being managed in the best

possible way in the most
efficient way possible. Key key

key to have a great property
manager. Other people you may

want to consider as part of your
team is maybe especially if you

have a more complex structure,
you might want a business

attorney to make sure that all
those deals that all those

arrangements that are being
made, maybe with vendors, or

maybe it's contracts that are
being made with developers,

things like that are being done
in a way that is legal and

compliant. And under your local
state specific rules. You also

may want to hire a tax attorney,
certainly if there's going to be

some sort of 1031 exchanges as
part of this or if you're going

to be doing anything different
than just straight line

accounting. A tax attorney can
be very helpful as well,

especially or if you're doing an
opportunity zone fund. They will

be the one who can help
structure that opportunity zone.

And then the raising of the
capital gets done through a

securities attorney such as
myself. My name is Tilden

Moschetti. I'm a real estate
syndication attorney with the

Moschetti syndication Law Group.
We specialize in Regulation D

506b and 506c offerings for real
estate syndicators and

developers but also for
businesses or anybody who's

looking to raise outside capital
from investors.

Ⓒ 2023+ Moschetti Law Group, PC. All rights reserved.